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Friday, January 21, 2011

Orgasmic Organics: 20 Tasty Aphrodisiacs to Put Sizzle in Your Sex Life

Orgasmic Organics: 20 Tasty Aphrodisiacs to Put Sizzle in Your Sex Life


If you’ve got sex on the brain but your body’s feeling unsexy, put away the blue pill! You don’t need Viagra, you need food. (Just not potato chips.) Sexual health and energy is synonymous with a healthy, energized you. An active lifestyle, balanced diet and self-confidence are the best ways to get the sexual charge you need – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few foods out there that can give you that extra…boost you’re looking for.

- Maca


This Andean root is the first food that comes to mind when I think of sexual health and stamina. Just me? It’s been commonly used in Peru since the times of the Inca to increase strength, energy and libido. Modern foodies consider it a superfood, and with good reason. Maca is excellent for balancing hormones and makes a tasty addition to deserts and smoothies.

- Cacao


Always a woman’s favorite. Real dark chocolate (we’re not talking See’s Candies here!) with a high cacao content contains natural stimulants and wellbeing chemicals, plus plenty of magnesium which is good for the heart and women’s libido. A healthy heart means better circulation, and that means better sex drive. Melt it, pour it, lick it…

- Chiles


You can’t travel in Latin American without hearing a hot and spicy joke about the size of a man’s chile. And if you’re a fan of picante foods, you know how they can make you a bit sweaty and excitable. Blame it on the capsaicin, the substance in hot peppers which releases endorphins, stimulates nerve endings and increases heart rate.

- Cardamom


This deliciously exotic little spice has a reputation in its home country of India for being an aphrodisiac. I just think it’s got a wonderful, sensual taste. But there may be some science behind it too: cardamom is high in cineole, which stimulates the nervous system.

- Ginger


The spicy taste of hot, fresh ginger tea will heat your body up, make your heart race and increase the heat. What more do you need to get it going?

- Pumpkin Seeds


High in zinc, which is needed for testosterone production, pumpkin seeds are essential for the libido in both men and women. Toast some up, pop in a movie, oh, forget the movie…

- Oysters


Cold, slimy: I always wondered why oysters have such a reputation as an aphrodisiac food. Some say it’s the shape, but I say it’s the zinc, baby.

- Hemp


Whether you prefer the seed, the milk, or the oil, hemp is high in the Essential Fatty Acids needed to help balance hormones for a better libido. Whip up a hemp milk latte and cozy up to your sweetie for some kisses to get things going.

- Almonds


Best when eaten raw, almonds are high in libido-boosting vitamin E. A very sensible sex-boosting insurance policy. Eat daily.



This one surprised me, because we all know how unattractive it is to be around someone who reeks of garlic. But take note, allicin improves blood flow to the sexual organs, so just make sure you and your partner have garlic in your meal together and you won’t mind the way the other smells. You have to admit, for garlic, that’s a sexy picture.

- Bananas


This suggestively shaped fruit regulates blood pressure, and you’d do well to eat one a day, because there’s nothing quite like excessively high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) to cause erectile dysfunction.

- Pomegranate Juice


A very sensual juice and luscious juice (surely Nigella Lawson would approve), many think that pomegranate’s high antioxidant content keeps free radicals from interfering with circulation. Which would have a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.

- Goji Berries


These superfood berries are considered a potent sexual tonic in Asia. They improve mood and well being and increase testosterone production. They’re tart, complex and intriguing – fittingly.

- Celery


Granted, celery is not the sexiest food, but it does contains andresterone, which is the hormone that gives men a subtle smell that drives women wild. I’m talking that t-shirt smell, ladies. (Men: we like this.)

- Ginseng


This high energy root normalizes hormones levels in both men and women and it’s been used for centuries by the Chinese to increase stamina and desire.

- Ginkgo Biloba


Sort of a wonder herb touted for many purposes, ginkgo can be used to increase sexual energy and regulate blood circulation.

- Guava


High in vitamin C, guava is great for the antioxidants. Kiwi and berries are high in vitamin C too, which keeps the sexual glands running smoothly. There’s nothing like sharing a cool fruit salad on a hot summer’s day”¦

- Wild Salmon


Another great source of Essential Fatty Acids. Try it cold with creme fraiche, crackers, wine and a little hand-feeding.

- Avocado


Such an amazing food anyway, avocados are high in EFA’s and B-vitamins for hormone balance, and folic acid which is good for the heart and gives you energy.

- Leafy Greens


Eat your salads, ladies, dark leafy greens help your liver metabolize estrogen, and create a good balance of this hormone essential for healthy female sexuality. Sure, they don’t look sexy, but they’ll make you feel amazing.

Of course, there’s no one food that’s going to magically improve your sex life. The key is to avoid cigarettes and excessive alcohol and maintain a state of general health and wellbeing. You can’t expect to sit on your tuckus all day snacking on potato chips and be an excellent lover!

Main image: Llima

Can't Sleep? 20 Natural Tips to Stop Tossing & Turning

Can't Sleep? 20 Natural Tips to Stop Tossing & Turning


Sweet dreams – got “Ëœem? Many of us don’t. For some, bedtime is a nightly battle of tossing, turning and exhausted frustration; believe me, I’ve been there myself. As with any of life’s imbalances, there’s usually an underlying reason for insomnia and although stress and tension are usually the root cause, there are natural solutions to help you get the rest you deserve. Try some of these ideas and see which ones work for you.

twig2 Before going to bed, stretch out.


The day’s tensions are held in your body, so a gentle, relaxing stretching session – even a brief one – can do you a world of good.

twig2 Wear comfortable clothing – or none!


You might be surprised to find that going to sleep in your birthday suit helps you get more relaxed. Or, simply changing the type of PJ’s you wear can work wonders. If you’ve been sticking to cotton or flannel, try bamboo, which breathes well.

twig2 Skip the bedtime TV show.


I know a lot of people like to fall asleep to the TV, and if that works for you, great. But if you find yourself wired after watching Colbert or the midnight sci-fi flick, take the hint and turn off the tube. With all those flashing images, TV stimulates the brain and that’s the last thing you need if you’re trying to sleep.

twig2 Unplug electrical appliances in your bedroom at night.


The subtle electrical hum might just be enough to keep you awake, not to mention digital numbers or standby lights. If you use an alarm to wake up, keep it at least 3 feet from your bed.

twig2 Keep your workspace separate from your bedroom.


Using your laptop in bed, or even having your desk right next to your bed will keep stress and sleep intertwined – not a good combination. If you can, remove clutter your sleeping space and make it harmonious and beautiful. Perhaps some beautiful art or make an altar of special objects – anything but the office supplies!

twig2Snack smart.


Is it too health-nut of me to remind you not to drink coffee or eat sugary snacks before bedtime? Hey, even a few bites of dark chocolate were enough to keep me up an extra few hours one night recently, so watch what you eat in the evening. Good choices are nuts, cheese, and nut butters.

twig2 Is your mattress uncomfortable?


Are you using the right pillow? Make sure your sleeping situation is exactly right for you. If you’re tossing and turning on a regular basis, it’s probably time for a different mattress.

twig2 Keep oxygen circulating in your bedroom.


If you don’t like to leave your windows open, at least crack them or use a small, circulating fan. The white noise might help you sleep better, too.



Try aromatherapy to help you relax and sleep. Some good essential oil choices are lavender, ylang ylang, jasmine or sandalwood. Nectar Essences has a misting spray – appropriately called Sleep – made of relaxing flower essences and essential oils.

twig2 Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain that regulates sleep cycles and synthetic melatonin pills are a gentle, over-the-counter option for helping you get to sleep. There are a few contraindications and potential side-effects, so do your research before taking it, but in general melatonin is considered a very mild and helpful supplement.

twig2 Listen to relaxing music.


Try ocean sounds or a meditation podcast, but make sure your stereo doesn’t stay on all night with lights and electrical feedback to keep you awake!



Try the old standard for nighttime relaxation: chamomile tea. If that’s too wimpy for you, check out the recipe for EcoSalon’s Sweet Dream Elixir. If you consume dairy, a glass of plain old warm milk can help, as well.

twig2 Save shower or bath time for your evening ritual.


The warmth and the water will help you relax, unwind and wash away the stresses of your day. This is especially effective if you use some of those essential oils in your bath.

twig2 Valerian root


This is a well known drowsiness-inducing herb. It is generally considered safe, with few side-effects, but as with any supplement, do some research and chat with your health care practitioner before deciding if it’s the right remedy for you.



The Hawaiian kava root is also well known for its relaxing properties. I tried it a few times when I was living on Maui and I can tell you that it does have a soothing, relaxing effect without any major hangover or side effects. But kava root is not the ideal herb for everyone. Do some research before trying it, and get pure kava powder.

twig2 Wear a sleep mask.


We sleep best in total darkness, and those little slivers of light from the streetlamp outside your window or the bright numbers of your digital alarm clock are enough to be a distraction. Simply slip on a mask and enter your own dark cocoon.

twig2 Save bedtime for relaxing activities.


You’ve turned off the TV, now what? Read a book (but not a thriller!) or journal just before going to bed. Or, try a little yoga.

twig2Write your worries or your to-do list.


If your mind is racing, grab a notebook and write everything down. Write write write until you’re out of things to write about, until you’re tired, even bored… then you’ll be able to shut your eyes and sleep.

twig2 Use a pleasantly scented dream pillow.


It sounds strange, but German scientists found that certain smells help us dream better, while other, unpleasant smells play a part in disturbing our dreams.

twig2 Slow, deep breathing.


Before you go to bed, do some deep breathing – this will help relax you. Anytime you notice your mind has drifted away from your breath, gently bring it back. Or do this meditation lying down in bed and you’re sure to fall fast asleep.